Monday, December 21, 2009

christmas is a magical time.

right now i'm sitting in my dad's living room in north carolina. he has so many electronic toys. not having a tv or cable for 3 years makes it difficult to figure out how to turn a tv on now. there are 5 remotes and they have an LCD screen to tell you how to use them. wayyyy to complicated. anyway.
so, last tuesday, i was in california. at 4 AM, me and three friends left to go to colorado. it was such a great trip. i saw the sunrise over the mountains as we neared nevada. we stoped and melina gambled a dollar in primm. utah is gorgeous, serene, peaceful (and maybe a little creepy). we ate lunch at a diner called "little wonders cafe" which had great coffee and also a mormon cookbook (what it entailed, i'm not sure). we arrived in colorado just before 10 PM (much to Josh's chagrin.)

the reason we went is for a wedding. i normally have mixed feelings about weddings. sometimes its really awkward if you only know the bride and none of your friends are there. sometimes its awesome when you only kind of know the bride/groom but they throw an awesome reception with a sit-down dinner. this wedding, though, was in neither of those categories. it was my two very good friends, jacob and sarah. i love them SO much. this wedding was my favorite is because it was all about the gospel. it wasn't about sarah and how beautiful she looked (although of course she did!). it wasn't about the dancing or the cake cutting (neither of those occured, but the cake balls were awesome. seriously make some they are GOOD). it was about two people joining together to reflect Christ and His love for the church. Instead of Sarah walking all the way down the aisle to meet Jacob, he met her halfway, as a picture of Christ coming for His bride. it was such a beautiful, incredible picture. I am so excited to see what God does in their lives, and how He uses them to further the gospel.

in addition to the wedding, we got to hang out in denver. I. LOVE. DENVER. i had so much fun hanging out in the city, going to fancy craft stores, going to interesting bars, and just enjoying new people. i heard some good music, and definitley felt a bit cold. but it was so fun. i also took a gondola ride in breckinridge, and saw real life snow bunnies. how do you go skiing and have perfect hair and glossy lips? it was kind of bizarre. but the mountain was beautiful. the city was beautiful. i loved hanging out with my good friends, and i just love the entire lewis family.

so i flew back to North Carolina late last night, and I'll be here until the 28th. I'm excited because i get to spend time with my dad, something i didn't really get to do last time i was here. then manda will pick me up. i am sooooo looking forward to that. oh boy. we will be together for a week! then i go back to LA Jan 4th. And then I start school. oh man. this will be a crazy time, for sure.

so, as you can see, my life has been crazy. in 3 weeks, i will have spent time in 7 different states. whoa. but its so cool. i haven't been able to spend this much time with friends in other states since i was in college. its a blessing to be able to do all these things.

nothing profound. just my life right now. ok, bye.