Sunday, June 1, 2008

the perfect day.

talking with my best friend this morning, i realized how much i have changed.

god has somehow done the miraculous in my heart and enabled me to ENJOY being alone.  imagine that.  

this weekend, my house has been quiet.  just me, a good book, a coffee has been so good.  this morning, i went for a run, watered the flowers, sat on my patio eating strawberries.  and it was literally the most perfect morning.  the sun is shining and the sky is blue.  and i played my guitar and sang some songs in chinese, and it was so great.  i don't even speak chinese!  but it made my heart so happy.  and my coffee mug had white polka dots.  bonus.  seriously, that is what makes a day perfect...when it starts out like that, and ends with good friends.  

i love my life.  i am so blessed.  not because i have stuff. but because He has rescued me from darkness and brought me into Glorious Light.  mmmmmmm!  

i am happy :)

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