Sunday, December 27, 2009

two things i was told this weekend.

1. "Do you have a boyfriend?" + "It's about time you had some grandkids for me to play with." - my grandmother

well, at least i wasn't asked if i was a lesbian this time. this is probably the most difficult thing to hear. i'm the only one out of all my cousins who isn't in a serious relationship/married/divorced(some on their second marriage, and the oldest one is in her early 30s). in fact, all of my cousins, except the one that is 15, have children. its awkward. my family is Christian in heritage. but to explain to them why i'm not married is tricky. yes, grandma, there are men in California. thats not the problem. its hard for me not to feel like i'm letting my family down by not producing grandchildren. when i said that to my sister, she said "something is wrong with you." that brought me back to reality. she's not even a believer, but she spoke some serious truth to me.

2. "You are the epitome of Christianity to me."

super humbling. my uncle said this to me kind of in jest as they were begging people to do the dishes. but he also actually meant it. he really desires to follow the Lord; i know this from our many conversations. for him to say this to just was kind of crazy. i'm such a poor reflection, but...i am a reflection, even if its a dirty one.

Other notable things:

-my british grandmother calling my uncle a "bloody yank."
-my uncle suggesting i take moonshine with a little orange juice to get rid of my cough.

And with that, its time for Nashville. Can't wait to see my old friends!

1 comment:

Angela said...

i love everything about this blog. xo. see you soon.