Thursday, June 5, 2008

the deodorant aisle.

i'm going to let you in on a little secret (no, that was not a pun).
i really hate the deodorant aisle.
there really shouldn't be so many choices.  the thing is, every time i buy deodorant, i'm usually not satisfied.  so when it comes time for a new stick, i want something different.  its not like shampoo where you can go with what worked.  it never works/smells like you had hoped.  for instance, i've been on a lavender kick, so i bought french lavender scent last time. note to secret: lavender does not smell like fruit.  but i digress.
there is too much to process. do i want clear?  soft solid?  clear soft solid?  regular stick? all-natural?  with baking soda?  prescription strength?  and thats not even counting the smells.  do i want fruit or flower?  certainly not powder. EW. (ps.  who in the world thought "hey i know of a good deodorant smell - vanilla chai!"  seriously?). 
i also saw this stick that is a crystal that you can use on your armpits or your feet (what?  who would do that?) and it promises to get rid of odor, and last for a year.  tempting, but no thanks.
my dream?  that body odor was not a reality.  then i wouldn't have to buy deodorant, and be faced with the overwhelming task of choosing the "right" one, only to have to do it all over again 3 months later.

the end.

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