Thursday, September 4, 2008

the end.

today, i'm leaving my precious CTFers in the hands of their team leaders, for good. i had no idea how difficult this would be! a year of work has come to this point. they are all here, interacting in their teams, begining to grow together. its beautiful. and so hard! because i don't get to go with them. i love being a sender. its SUCH a blessing. its not just something i say. my job has been so incredible this past year. its been hard and draining at times, but at the same time it has been the most amazing experience - professionally, spiritually, emotionally, relationally - just amazing.

but today, its done. my year with ELIC is essentially over. its a sobering thought. i can't believe its already here. i wish time didn't pass so quickly sometimes.

now, i'm moving forward. moving into the unexpected. changing jobs, one that i'm excited and terrified about. i've prayed that God would make me dependent on Him, and He has answered that prayer a lot. sometimes, i think...why would i pray that? but, its so good. i'm so excited about what is to come. scared, but excited. i've moved to a new place. my community is changing. god is changing me. its almost overwhelming.

and yet, there is peace. peace that i sometimes have to fight for. but its there. i know this is what i need to be doing. and i know that whatever is ahead, it is better than what is behind.

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