Wednesday, January 23, 2008

i saw a rainbow this moring.

i was driving home from simi this morning, and saw this little piece of a rainbow.  it was almost like a circle rainbow. i couldn't see a whole lot...just this little part.  
it made me smile and I began to think of the Lord's convenants and promises.  How sweet they are!  Yesterday, through some various circumstances, some insecurities were brought up that I know I have but don't often think about, until they come into full view.  And when i saw that rainbow this morning, I was reminded of what a beautiful God, what a sweet Father, what an intimate friend I have, all because He loves me.  So good!  My prayer is that I would know the love of God in a deeper way every morning that I wake up.  Its so much greater than I can comprehend; and its just not a characteristic of God, its who He is.  There's gotta be so much I don't, and probably won't ever, understand about His love for me, but I don't want to waste my days believing false things about myself and my God.
mmmmmm :)

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